West Seattle Mutual Aid Party🎉, a partner of NW Hospitality, reserves their more detailed, regular updates for their volunteers and supporters. However, here are snippets from their weekly updates from the last few weeks.

Interested in volunteering with WSMAP? Contact WSMAP Here!

Interested in getting detailed regular updates about WSMAP and the vulnerable community in West Seattle that they serve? Consider becoming a WSMAP supporter!!

10/12/2023 - A somber note for us this week was being able to help pitch in to get one of our friends down to Portland to be with her mother before she passed. Thanks to your contributions and efforts of the MAP crew, we were able to get her bus tickets and food for the trip down and back, and she was able to be with her mother through her final moments. This sort of help is only possible through the connections we make and the resources we have available to us thanks to you, and we’re deeply grateful for your contributions every month that offer us the flexibility to provide this sort of aid on occasion.

10/19/2023 - Our two teams saw 28 people this last Saturday between both of our routes and the highlight of the distro was a big order of delicious tamales that one of our team secured. Between the tamales, our home-baked bread, and the soup provided by Lect's Soups, it felt really good to have such a complete offering of warm food for people this week. Our biggest project this week however has been working with some of our friends at WestSide Baby who received a massive 20 pallets of clothing donations from Ridwell. While all of the clothing seems to be of a pretty high quality, a lot of it isn't suitable for the program at WestSide Baby so we've connected with them to help sort through the donations and get as much of it distributed as possible.

10/24/2023 - Did you know, jail or involuntary commitment counts as being "housed" for the HUD CoC definition of chronic homelessness. Any incarceration or institutionalization over 90 days is considered housed. Why does this matter? If folks use "Safe My Spot" systems they could miss a call in.

11/8/2023 - Our teams hit the streets last Saturday in the wake of a fast and intense storm system that dumped about half of an inch of rain in the course of a few minutes. Fortunately, the wind quickly blew the storm out and left us with some sunny weather just long enough for our teams to run our regular routes and comfortably connect with 30 people before the rain returned. This week, in addition to our regular offerings of supplies and a large haul of propane refills, we also had a friend of ours who is a chef donate some time and supplies to lovingly assemble three dozen tasty sandwiches for our teams to distribute. 

11/17/2023 - As mentioned in our previous post, this past weekend held the Burien Overnight Solidarity Project action, and one of our members took the remaining hot soup from distro and brought it to support those camping overnight in solidarity with their unhoused neighbors in our sibling city to the south. It was great to connect and share resources with other like-minded folks, and our hearts are with them as they continue to resist the inhumane criminalization of people trying to survive outside. Please consider supporting our Burien friends in any way that you can.

You can follow West Seattle Mutual Aid Party🎉 on Twitter: https://twitter.com/MutualAidParty

And you can support them through NWH here or through their Patreon here.