Northwest Hospitality

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Haircuts for Our Homeless Neighbors

Thanks to your support, we are embarking on a whole new project that's not only going to help a lot of our neighbors, but help Northwest Hospitality get our name out into many more communities. 

Our haircut program is a fantastic idea, unique in execution to our knowledge, that has been consuming our thoughts and efforts for a bit over a week now. The plan is to include haircut vouchers in some of the hospitality kits we hand out. These vouchers can be taken to any hair cutting establishment in the state (or out of it I suppose) and the recipient will get a haircut, and possibly a wash, paid for by your donations.

The beauty of it is that everybody wins!

  • It's yet another NWH program that minimizes or eliminates the risk of abuse of donated funds. This means that all you fabulous donorswin because you know for sure that your money is helping someone in need. The vouchers have unique ID and pin numbers for validation on our website before being redeemed by whatever location is performing the service.
  • Our homeless neighbors win because this program greatly increases the locations they have available for this type of service. They also get to have complete autonomy choosing when, where, and how they have their hair taken care of.
  • Northwest Hospitality wins because partnering with all these locations will help get our name into many more communities. This should lead to more donors and hopefully more kit assembly and distribution events.
  • Our hair experts win because they get new, local clients and get to serve their community without the need to completely donate all their time and effort. We will certainly accept discounted services but there will be no expectation.
  • Finally, our communities win by gaining a strengthened tool to reach out to our homeless neighbors and work together to understand this pandemic poverty and conquer it.

We are extremely excited to develop this program. If you are able to support our efforts with a one-time or recurring donation, please do so :)